Kathy In Kenya

Greetings and welcome to the website of Kathy Pryor, long-term missionary to Kenya.  At my website I will share with you about myself as well as about my mission work in and around Mombasa, Kenya  over the past  18 years.  I have a newsletter, Pryorities, that you will enjoy reading and may want to subscribe to.  I will also share from my personal journal, and keep you up to date regarding prayer needs.  Most importantly, I hope you will experience the joy of ministry first hand, by considering how you can get involved.

Apart from a short mission trip to Uganda, my work in Africa has been in Kenya, where I have lived since 1993 as a member of the missionary organization known as Youth With A Mission, or YWAM.  YWAM was itself founded in 1960, as an international, movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to presenting Jesus Christ personally to this generation, mobilizing, training and equipping believers  for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission.   Today YWAM hosts over 15,000 full time missionaries like myself.  We are a volunteer organization and each missionary is totally self-supporting, which is a great way to realize how we must rely on God and His people.

Please take a moment to browse the website and feel free to contact me. I hope it will be the beginning of a growing friendship.

Kathy Pryor
Ambassador of Christ Jesus

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