I flew from Sandpoint to Yakima and Tevis and Chris met me at the airport. It was very frustrating that my phone would not pick up the airport WiFi. At Tevis’s, things were more physically relaxed, partly because the smokey atmosphere caused by the huge forest fires all along the coast made going outside activity difficult for eyes and breathing; and partly due to the blisters on my ankles that developed after several mornings of lap walking in fairly new shoes. One of the CD teaching series I shared was titled ‘The Practice of Rest’, and we listened to it in the car as we drove to the grocery store and other short jaunts. The message really spoke to her situation and she ordered the set for herself.
God provided more transport, their son-in-law is going to find a buyer for their little Toyota pickup so, in the meantime I am going to drive it back west of the mountians, use it for the rest of my furlough and then leave it at Regan & Erick’s house. Another blessing!!
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