9 October 2018

Since returning from furlough at the very end of September, I have been busy with “urgent” YWAM Kenya business; which involved a 3-day National Leadership Team trip to Nairobi. I finally got my modem working but am having trouble getting my new US phone unlocked for use here so for some weeks I could not access the NLT What’s App group mail.  That is how the majority of the team communicate so it was very difficult to get input from all NLT members on the urgent issues so that those of us from Mombasa could book our bus.

In spite of this urgency on a national level, I have not really been able to get myself in the work groove at the base.  At home, I am doing a lot of puttering and reading--for example, last week I made 2 quarts refrigerator dill pickles from Ball spices that I got at Walmart in July.   I was supposed to let them season for 3 weeks before eating but just could not resist—yum-m!   Nonetheless, I find myself procrastinating about “important” things like communication, and my exercise and eating program has really suffered.

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