Izzy woke me up a bit after 6 this morning to say that his food bowl was empty, and it is a good thing he did wake me because at 6:30 the Mash garbage truck started honking at the gate so I had to throw on some clothes and run out to the rubbish can, tie up the bag and run it out through the gate to the truck. They are supposed to come on Monday or Tuesday but they seem to come on whatever day and at whatever time suits the driver. A couple of times they have even come before 5am on a Sunday. Here, we can’t put the bags outside compound gate the night before (even if we knew for sure the day) because the feral dogs or beach people would tear them open and scatter stuff everywhere, and we can’t leave the rubbish can itself outside the night before because it would be stolen. So, it’s a dilemma!
Everyone has been looking forward anxiously for the long rains and there is drought in many parts of the country livestock has been dying for lack of water and the cost of available vegetables has gone up dramatically. My brother Kim sent photos of the yard work he and Paul are doing at their place in Graham, and I am very envious of their green lawn because mine is very brown and most of the plants bordering both sides of my traffic circle have died. We had a few brief, light, Seattle type showers during April but nothing substantial. Then this morning the atmosphere was different. It was overcast and there was a lot of thunder so I rolled down and tied all the canvas covers over the veranda wrought iron grills and almost as soon as I finished that chore it started raining hard. It only lasted 20 minutes but we got ½ inch…so all the flora and fauna are very happy and the birds are singing 😊 Well OK, Mandy wasn’t happy… because I locked her inside during the downpour. She really doesn’t like to come out of the rain!
And speaking of Mandy, we have at last, after 2 months of treatment, conquered her multiple ear infections!! She has gained 12 pounds and her coat has come back in full with no sign of mange mites. Her back legs are still not as strong as they should be (loose hocks) but we are working on that. I may be adopting a second dog this next week so that Mandy has a companion. My vet called to say that the neighbour of one of her clients near Mtwapa (about 40miles north of me) found a dog running loose on the beach so they have been taking care of it, and named it Fifi but now they are going back to Europe so…. Anyway, I will go check it out on Saturday and decide if it would be compatible---not to aggressive or high-strung.
This week, Monday through Friday, I will be teaching in our Discipleship Training School. I am usually asked to teach the same topics every year---Destiny, Calling, Stewardship, Spiritual Gifts--so it isn’t like it is new material I am still developing but I haven’t looked at it for months so I am trying to get in “study” mode today. I would love to be able to teach like Dean Sherman in the Spiritual Warfare DVD’s—know the material so well that I don’t even have to look at my notes. BUT, I am not there so I do need to review and get my visual aids organized.
I am not doing very well with my exercise or eating these days. The lump on my heel is not reducing and prevents me from wearing closed shoes—which really effects walking long distances or doing my aerobic video and I confess, also effects my attitude ☹
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