9 March 2018


When I first received the phone call from the Survey Agent and he asked for the huge fee, I sort of went into shock.   I then firmly requested a written breakdown of all remaining steps in this final “process” and the cost for each step.  During the days that I waited for the requested information, I automatically went into problem solving mode (as Adrian Monk would say ‘it’s a gift and a curse’); trying to think of ways I could get access to $3000.    I was not successful, and a week later, when Fred O. did send the breakdown but without any cost amounts included, the reason became clearer.  After several more phone conversations about the lack of money amounts in his breakdown, the truth came out.  His fee for doing the work is $400 and the remaining $2600 is for what he called “incentives” to move the files from one person/department to another.  So, these “incentives” are actually bribes, to motivate government employees to do their jobs.    I have agreed with the base leadership that this is not the way God wants us to operate and so I will be communicating this with same with Fred O. and we will just wait and pray to see what God do on our behalf.

Yesterday I met with the Base Leadership Team (they have added 3 new members—Rose, Caleb & Shadrack) and updated them about the land lease renewal and the huge fee needed.  We are all overwhelmed but sharing the burden 6 ways and all of us taking it to the Throne is certainly better than trying to “handle” it alone.  I have agreed with the base leadership that this is not the way God wants us to operate and so I will be communicating this with same with Fred O. and we will just wait and pray to see what God do on our behalf.

The Survey Agent phoned me this morning and I told him we are waiting to hear from God what we are supposed to do and waiting to see what God is going to do on our behalf.   Yesterday I was online and I came across an account that Richard Vicknair posted about our 2014 visit to the Ministry of Lands, re-telling how God brought key people in that building across our path at just the right time to accomplish what we could never have imagined possible.  It reminded me that the battle is not mine but the Lord’s and He is more than able…and so very faithful.

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