It seems impossible that three months of this new year are already spent and Easter weekend is upon us. What joy and hope should fill our minds and hearts as we embrace the truth that HE IS RISEN! Tomorrow, I will be going into town (via that faithful pikipiki) to meet my friend Wendy at the ACK Cathedral for the Easter service followed by lunch at the Blue Room café.
This weekend will also be eventful because people come from all over Kenya to spend important holidays like Christmas and Easter at the beach. There is usually an average of 800 people on the beach and road around my house from 9a.m. until 7 p.m. throughout these four days. Lots of people having lots of fun. Praying that they do not come in vehicles with LOUD sound systems.
Everyone is fairly confident that the rains are on the way because the temperature has been steadily climbing right along with the humidity. Early in the month, on several consecutive afternoons we had hours of thunder, lightning and heavy rain but after getting our hope up with that strong start we are now back to high temperatures & humidity but no further rain. This morning, although it is 82 degrees with 80% humidity, it seems very pleasant; which gives you an indication of what the preceding weeks have been like.
Recently, there have been more than the usual amount of complaining and problems with the Likoni ferries. Last month fares were increased and yet there is no apparent improvement in the quality of service. For example, last Tuesday, I started to town by taxi. As usual, I had a list of tasks to accomplish on the trip—base banking, base & personal grocery shopping, couriering the 2017 books for audit and taking my cat Izzy to the vet to be treated for laryngitis. Have you ever heard of a cat getting laryngitis? Me neither! Anyway, we had been sitting far back in the ferry queue in the hot sun (Hassan says no a/c because that uses too much fuel) for an hour without moving. Izzy was getting agitated, trying his best to claw his way out of the plastic picnic basket-- and therefore I too was getting agitated. At last Hassan got agitated too and told me that the previous day he had been in the queue for 4 hours before he got on the ferry. I wasn’t up for that adventure so we got out of the queue, took Izzy home and went to Ukunda (30km south) to do the grocery shopping. The following day, I got on a pikipiki with Izzy in his basket and went to the vet, to courier the books and to do the banking. Nothing…OK, very little… is simple!
I am making tentative plans for furlough beginning in June, possibly 25th June- early September. In my 26 years in YWAM I have taken more than 10 furloughs’ and no two have been the same. God always surprises me and supplies just what I need so I am sure He already has some aspect of His plan for my furlough in motion. This time, I have received a tentative offer of a car to use but do not yet have an offer of place to stay.
I am in need of a place that could be a base for me whenever I am not travelling. I would prefer that it be in the greater Seattle area so that I can attend Westside Church and re-connect with my church family but if that is not possible, I can be flexible. It is not necessary that it be a single place available for the whole furlough: rather it could be different places for varying lengths of time. No catering would be necessary as I can certainly arrange for my meals elsewhere.
Usually, during furlough I am invited by family & friends outside of the greater Seattle area and state to come visit for a week or two but at this time I have no idea about the time frame for any such invitations. I would also need to use the accommodation provided to do the process of packing for the return to Kenya. Those of you who have housed or helped me with packing in past years know it is indeed a process. I will send out this request by email and wait for response.
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