I did not initially receive much response to the group e-mail I sent out asking Stateside friends and family to consider helping me with furlough housing. After several days of silence I had almost interpreted the silence as God saying I was not to take furlough at this time but then I heard from two of my brothers and three dear girlfriends who all live several hours drive(in opposite directions) from the north end of the city where my home church is located. I was happy to hear from all of them but only Tevis, the friend living on the other side of the state would be able to house me for more than a week or 2; and for several weeks there was no other response.
Tevis finally told me that many people no longer use e-mail and do most of their connecting through Facebook. So, I posted the same request on Facebook and the next week had several more offers for short term housing.
I have my air ticket now so it is definite that I will be travelling to Seattle this summer. I have a calendar but so far everything except my arrival and departure is written in pencil. 😊 I will be arriving the afternoon of Friday 29th June and departing at midnight on Wednesday the 26th of September
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