In 2007, when transport by pikipiki became my norm, I bought a motorcycle helmet at Nakumatt (Kenyan Fred Meyer) but it was the only one they had and didn’t fit very well. Over the years it seems to have gotten more and more loose until the only place it touched me was the crown of my head and it swung like a bell when I moved my head.
Last furlough I looked in sporting goods stores for a new helmet but they were SO expensive that I abandoned the idea. Last week I heard from another motorcyclist on the ferry, about exactly (more or less) where to find a good, new helmet. So, on Friday John took me to the right street and I went shop to shop looking for helmets. At the sixth shop I found just what I was looking for, it is black, fits snuggly, has a sun visor as well as a wind screen…and all for only $17.50 😊