15 December 2017

There is a group of people in our community always looking for land to grab and they have visited our compound on several occasions, usually when the leaders are absent. They act and speak in a very intimidating manner, and if you are not very sure of your position, they can convince you that black is white. This last time they came into the compound on Sunday afternoon. They began taking photos and threatening the staff. We took action by writing the following letter and taking it to key government officials

RE: Likoni Parcel numbers MS/I/258 & MS/I/259
Dear Sir/Madam;
We wish to register a complaint and also request your assistance in an urgent matter regarding our legal ownership of the above referenced land parcels.
Over the past month we have received several intimidating visits by a group of people claiming to represent the Digo community. They tell us that the above referenced land parcels are theirs and that we must vacate. We have legal proof that this is not true but one of our neighbours recently had their wall broken down in the middle of the night and so we are very concerned about threats against us and our property.
Youth With A Mission has been living and working on this above referenced property since July 1978. The original 99-year lease was due to expire in 2014 and so in 2011 we began the process of renewing the lease. The renewal of lease on both parcels, for an additional 50years, was approved on 29 July,2011 by the Municipal Council of Mombasa.
On 12 February 2014, we began paying the new rent amount for both parcels, and have been doing so every year since.
Attached are photocopies of the following documents:
1. Certificate of Incorporation for Youth With A Mission Limited—26July 1978
2. Municipal Council of Mombasa lease application approval—29 July 2011
3. National Land Commission Extension of Lease approval letters—12 February 2014
4. Ministry of Lands R.I.M Amendment letter—1March 2017
5. KRA Land Rent Pay-In Receipts—2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Erick and I visited several government offices with copies of our documents and God really directed our steps. In the last office, the high official knew one of the group leaders and after looking at all of our documentation he phoned the person and told them that we own the land and to leave us alone. God is so good to us!



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