1 November 2018


YWAM Mombasa and I are facing a potentially huge financial challenge.  Late last month we heard via text message from a friend that the government had re-valued all property, private and commercial, in Mombasa County and was implementing a radical increase in Land Rates (property taxes). 

As YWAM Mombasa, we struggle every year to pay the new (2014) leased land rent (federal tax) of $1000 and land rates (county tax) of $500.  With this new property valuation our rates will go from $500 to $4000.   This is an amount that we have absolutely no human resources to meet.

As the caretaker of Tamasha estate I do not pay rent but am responsible for all financial expenses—house insurance, repairs, land rent, land rates, security, utilities etc.   For the past 15 years I have paid between $100 and $200 per year for the Rates but now with this property revaluation I will be expected to pay $4700 (yes, four thousand seven hundred) per year; which is 8% of the new value.  

All land owners were given 3 weeks to file an objection to this increase and I did so on behalf of both YWAM and Tamasha’s British owner. The filing process was 2 days of chaos, hundreds of people grabbing piles of forms all trying to get to the front and none of us knowing where the front even was!!   When I compare it with the order and organization of the June Work Permit validation in Nairobi….2 different worlds!!

I have since heard a rumour that the case will be taken to court because the government did not present the issue for a vote to the public. These taxes so far only apply to Mombasa County, so for at least for now the upcountry owners are safe.

I know in my head that God is more than able to supply this need.  Jehovah Jireh, who provided all that was needed for 40 years to 2 million plus people, and who has always met the needs of YWAM Mombasa and myself will continue being faithful, but I confess, I periodically struggle to trust in my heart and find myself a bit anxious and uncertain about the future for the mission and myself.  

As I write this, I am reminded of something Andrew Murray wrote regarding the feeding of the 5000—‘it is not a question of lack of resources, it is a question of the presence of God’.     Oh yes, how desperately we--no, let me say I need more of His presence!!


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