On Tuesday night(25th) Erick had sent a text asking all of us to come and sit in on the DTS lectures as he and Fridah “sensed that God has something for us as a team through the DTS speaker of this week…”
I was not able to attend on Wednesday or Thursday because I needed to complete the 2016 accounts and get them couriered to the auditor in Nairobi before Friday. But, on Friday morning I went to the base to join the staff for the morning & final session. During the session , I suddenly became aware that it was the 1-year anniversary of The Leadership Handover ceremony. I was glad God had reminded me because Fridah & Erick hadn’t remembered either and when I passed on the information during the lunchtime break Fridah said that it made what God had been saying to them during the week even more significant. I don’t know what they heard but I hope I will learn more details later.